On Tuesday, April 5, the Polk County Board of Supervisors approved a package of housing investments of just more than $15 million that will support long term housing opportunity for some of the region’s most vulnerable people and families.
The County intends to enter into an agreement with the Polk County Housing Trust Fund to manage and allocate funds to local projects under the Capital Funds and Revolving Loan Fund programs. PCHTF will publish additional eligibility and program guidelines in the coming weeks at PCHTF.org.
Funds for the Centralized Homeless Advocates Pilot Program will be managed by Homeward, formerly the Polk County Continuum of Care. Information will be available at homewardiowa.org.
Polk County is making its investments from State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds allocated to the county by the federal government as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Capital Funds
Program investment: $12 million
This program supports the acquisition, conversion and/or construction of permanent multi-family housing with an emphasis on supportive housing for underserved populations (homeless, re-entry, senior, households with children). Supportive housing services should target lifestyle intervention with options for education and workforce training.
Revolving Loan Fund
Program investment: $3 million
This program develops a revolving loan fund for short-term bridge loans, acquisition loans, and/or funding for due diligence and pre-development expenses. Funded projects should meet the same outcomes as the capital funding program.
Centralized Homeless Advocates - Pilot Program
Program investment: $150,000
This pilot program will support two community advocates for a two-year period. These advocates would not be tied to a specific program and would provide additional support to individuals beyond the current role of housing navigator. The advocates will support individuals to find permanent housing. They will be trained in trauma-informed and healing-centered care, housing first, equity, and other evidence based practices.